Marion, Indiana
“Our New Day!”
“Do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up, do you not perceive it?”
Isaiah 43:18b, 19
Our Core Values
VIBRANT WORSHIP Christ-centered and meaningful to all
BOUNTIFUL TITHING of our lives and resources
MISSION AND OUTREACH to spread the Gospel
CONTINUOUS GROWTH in our faith and lives
GENUINE FELLOWSHIP building Christian community
CHRISTIAN EDUCATION transformational and continuing
Our Vision
Today, we are shaping the future with consensus, with clarity of vision and with conviction in our hearts.
In 2007, we completed a year of prayerful discernment and discovery to reach the historic decision made at our December 21 Church Conference. At that meeting with a nearly unanimous vote, the congregation decided to remain a downtown church and to begin the work of building a campus at 7th Street and Adams that would serve the generations to come. A Building Committee was elected to begin the work that would lay the foundation for the fulfillment of our vision for the future.
As we worked through the discernment process, we-also developed a new vision statement and a set of Core Values for the church. The Administrative Council then’ adopted a set of operational strategies to guide the work of the future.
Our new vision statement is: Creating passionate followers of Jesus Christ who actively love and serve others.
Our Value Statement
We believe God is calling us as a congregation and as individuals to live out the Great Commandment, to love God and to love our neighbors, so that God’s kingdom can become a reality to our community. To that end, we are moving:
- From being individual-focused to community-focused;
- From being exclusive to inclusive;
- From being complacent to serving;
- From being consumers of products to participants in the mission of the church;
- From being building-focused to Body of Church focused;
- From being believers in God to Spirit-led followers of the risen Christ.